Sunday, November 29, 2009

Globalization, Urbanization, Cities

World populations are growing. Cities are growing. It is predicted that by 2030, 80% of the world will live in cities. Because of this ever-increasing urbanization, it is vastly important that the church learns how to best reach a city. Cities today are pretty good at masking the glory of God. Society generally does its best to keep God on the hush, but keep the desires of a sinful heart in the open. Urbanization has allowed this to flourish, at least in America.
The church, therefore, is a powerful tool, not intended for condemnation but rather for grace and salvation. And the church needs to reach the cities if we want the gospel to be shared to all the nations.
One way that cities are reached is through the "City Parish Model." Under this model, churches of a particular city come together on a periodic basis and stand united in faith. They each regularly, however, serve different local areas and reach out to different people. There are also smaller missional communities and lifegroups that facilitate intimacy within the church body.
The city parish model is a great way to prepare the Jesus follower of the future because it allows us band together and realize that no matter where we come from, we are united under One true king, Jesus Christ.

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